The preservation of original thought, through act of refusal.
In our current epoch, for an artist to see or experience in any original manner, requires a certain withdrawal. The enormous quantity of visual and interactive noise that litters our present, can be a constraint to both originality and perception. Without personally enforcing a strict disconnect, few parts of our day or night remain free from an inundation of communications, social media, marketing and technology. It has been posited that to resist this edifice of capitalism that limits our ‘gaze’, is to reintroduce spontaneity, substance, diversity and meaning...
The Realism project and the problem of identity
“The moment of identification, unlike that of illumination, does not distinguish photography from other visual images, or even from encounters in the world at large. At work in any personal exchange, identification plays an integral role in the formation of groups. Moreover, it is not just identification of a subject that is at stake but, often, identification with it. The personal and social position through which the beholder is looking can bring what she or he sees into focus, or distort it beyond recognition.”1.
Realism in art is the attempt to make a representation of a contemporary subject that is an interpretation, but by no means a facsimile...
1.Olin, Margaret. “Touching Photographs: Roland Barthes’s ‘Mistaken’ Identity.” in Photography Degree Zero: Reflections on Roland Barthes’s Camera Lucida, edited by Geoffrey Batchen, (Cambridge & London: The MIT Press, 2009) 75.